Parmesan Shortbreads with Avocado Chantilly

English, Savory

One last appetizer recipe to end the year on a high note! Parmesan shortbreads, sprinkled with sesame seeds, served with a delicious avocado Chantilly. Prep Time: 15 minutes Baking Time: 10-12 minutes at 350°F (180°C) Difficulty: easy Yield: 25-30 shortbreads Ingredients For the Parmesan shortbreads For the avocado Chantilly Instructions Preparing the Parmesan shortbreads: Preheat the …

Lemon Pie – Verrine Style

English, Sweet

Here is an original way to make a lemon pie: in a destructured way! A base of shortbread cookies with toasted coconut, then a lemon cream and finally a meringue passed through the blowtorch. Something to impress your guests! Prep Time: 30 minutes Baking Time: 15 minutes Difficulty: easy Yield: 4 verrines Ingredients For the …

Parmesan Shortbread with Edible Flowers

English, Savory

Follow the trend of decorating food with edible flowers with this recipe for melt-in-your-mouth Parmesan shortbread! Prep Time: 10 minutes Rest Time: 15 minutes Baking Time: 10-12 minutes at 350°F (180°C) Difficulty: easy Yield: 25-30 shorbreads Ingredients Instructions

Christophe Michalak and his Strawberry-Banana Fantastik

English, Sweet

For Mother’s Day, nothing could be more thoughtful and delicious than to make Christophe Michalak’s (the famous French Chef) flagship recipe, the Fantastik in individual format. A sweetness that can be eaten in no time!The Fantastik is a dessert between a tart and an ‘entremets’, which is composed of a Breton shortbread, fruit and cream. …

Mousses “Trio” and Thyme Shortbread

English, Savory

An original aperitif made with three different mousses (tuna, bell pepper and avocado), served with delicious thyme shortbread. Something to impress your guests! Prep Time: 45 minutes Baking Time: 30 minutes at 390° F (200° C) Rest Time: 1 hour Difficulty: easy Ingredients & Instructions For the shortbreads: 1 cup of all-purpose flour (130 g) 1/2 cup …

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