Air-Fryer Potato-Shrimps Croquettes (Balls) with Homemade Hummus

English, Savory

How about making delicious potato and shrimp croquettes and serving them with homemade hummus? It may seem long and tedious at first, but it won’t take you that long! Prep Time: 30 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes Difficulty: easy Yield: 4 servings Ingredients For the hummus For the croquettes For air-frying Instructions Start by peeling, …

Homemade Hummus & Chips

English, Savory

Who knew it was so easy to make homemade chips out of wonton dough? Sometimes when making wontons, there are a few unused pieces of dough left over, which dry quickly if they are not used right away. This recipe allows you not to throw away these dough sheets, but to turn them into homemade …

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